Italian language & home cooking courses to attend in Italy (Apulia).

In Italy cooking is an Art, a celebration, eating well a genuine Pleasure to share with others.

Communicative lessons with engaging and entertaining grammatical deepening

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    Language courses and Italian cooking “Passo a Sud”.

    I hope you’ll feel at home, at our Trullos, I will be waiting for you to knead, to read, to tell stories and cook together surrounded by nature in contact with my roots.
    • 2h Italian language lessons from (Monday to Friday) + 9h of cooking lessons (3h per day) and 3 final dinners + 1 educational visit at Agriturismo Madonna dell’Arco farmhouse (own production of mozzarelle, cheese, cold meats, meat, bread).
    • Check in: on Sunday.
    • Check out: on Saturday morning before 11.00 am.


    Language courses and home cooking courses “Flavours of Italy in Cisternino” held in Apulia (Italy) have the following cost:

    1 student

    940 each
    • 10 h Italian language lessons
    • 9 h of cooking lessons (3h per day)
    • Accommodation, 6 nights & breakfast
    • 3 final dinners
    • 1 excursion

    2 students

    870 each
    • 10 h Italian language lessons
    • 9 h of cooking lessons (3h per day)
    • Accommodation, 6 nights & breakfast
    • 3 final dinners
    • 1 excursion

    I offer you a culinary “journey” to the roots of traditional Italian cooking, while learning also the secrets of its typical dishes through stories, memories and recipes.

    Book your desired Menù:
    Menù for “Special Moments to remember”
    • Fresh Pasta (tagliatelle, maltagliati, lasagne, orecchiette)
    • Leavened dough (pizza, focacce, panzarotti pugliesi).
    • Sweets of Holidays ( tiramisu’, cannoli siciliani, pasticciotti salentini, panna cotta) … and much more!
    Southern Italy Menù
    • Pasta with fresh sauces; traditional meat (involtini, spezzatini, polpette e bombette; delicious summery salads, Arancine di riso, melanzane alla parmigiana, Apulian fish, mouth-watering desserts).
    On request, vegetarian menù is available.
    • Welcome to Cinzia’s home, sipping a delicious cup of coffee or tea and sharing our experiences on the common passion for fine food,
    • introduction to raw materials and seasonal produce,
    • preparation of Italian traditional dishes with ingredients in harmony with sustainable agriculture.

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    • Courses for small groups (max. 4/5 students);
    • Personalized and flexible course for 1/2 students (of the same level) 10/15 hours a week.

    Courses are held:

    • Courses in Cisternino, in Apulia (Italy)- from Mai to October,
    • Courses are not held during national Italian and Swiss Holidays.

    How to enrol:

    • Fill out the enrolment form online on the top page and send it by email.
    • Passo a sud will send you an email back confirming your place in a course or your accommodation.
    Cinzia Ferulli - corsi di cucina passo a sud
    Partecipanti del corso di cucina
    2023-02-21T16:28:09+00:00Categories: Courses|Tags: , |

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